Lampshades Made With Customer’s Own Material (COM)

We have individuals and interior designers visit or contact our store frequently asking about our ability to use their own material, (and trims) to fabricate a lampshade…. The answer is yes!

For over 40 years Concord Lamp & Shade has been delivering high-quality, custom-designed lampshades as a leading US lampshade manufacturer and retailer.  Our skill and expertise allow us to replace lampshades of any size and repair highly detailed and customized antique and period pieces. 

Whether hardback or silk, we have the tools and expertise to help you design the lampshade of your choice.  Working with our workshops, we have the ability to fabricate custom lampshade frames to create unique sizes and shapes.  We have experienced and talented seamstresses with attention to detail to create intricate pleats and designs.  In short, we are proud of our ability to design and create a custom lampshade of your choice.

Types of COM Lampshade Materials We Commonly Work With:

  • Silks
  • Linens
  • Cotton Fabrics
  • Paper

Customer Owned Material Hardback Lampshades (Hardback COM Shades)

Customer Owned Material Hardback Lampshades Customer Owned Material Hardback Lampshades Customer Owned Material Hardback Lampshades

Customer Owned Materials Silk Lampshades (Silk COM Shades)

Customer Owned Material Silk Lampshade Customer Owned Material Silk Lampshade Customer Owned Material Silk Lampshade

Customer’s Own Materials Lampshade Quote

Please tell us about your custom lampshade design needs.

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To Order Customer Owned Material Shades

We can create a single custom-designed lampshade and fulfill dozens of complex shade orders. If you prefer to speak with us please give us a call to discuss your situation (978)369-3000. We are here to help.

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